Mukesh Ambani has announced that Jio phones worth Rs 1,500 will be sold for Rs 699 on the eve of Diwali and Dasara.
In this regard According to a press release issued by the company, the new offer for Diwali 2019 is announced on the eve of Diwali and Dasara festivals. Especially when old phones have to be exchanged Taiyatu "he said. According to Reliance Managing Director Mukesh Ambani, this price is much lower than the 2G feature cell phones in the market. Data benefits worth $ .99 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera.
This price is much less than the 2G feature cell phones in the market. So the ban on using the 2G cell phone service has now been lifted. Indian is cheap internet and digital Jio will ensure the benefits of the revolution. With the launch of the 'Jio Phone Diwali Gift', we are investing Rs. 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. This price is much less than the 2G feature cell phones in the market. So the ban on using the 2G cell phone service has now been lifted. Under the Diwali 2019 offer, Jio phone buyers can get up to Rs. Indian is cheap internet and digital Jio will ensure the benefits of the revolution. With the launch of the 'Jio Phone Diwali Gift', we are investing Rs. 2 thousand mAh.
It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio phone buyers can now get Rs700 worth of discounts for the first 7 recharges and Rs.99 worth of data benefits for the first 7 recharges under the Diwali 2019 offer. Will do.'Jio phone Diwali "We are investing Rs. 1,500 to bring all the economically disadvantaged people into the Internet with the gift." 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio phone buyers can now get Rs700 worth of discounts for the first 7 recharges and Rs.99 worth of data benefits for the first 7 recharges under the Diwali 2019 offer. Will do.'Jio phone Diwali "We are investing Rs. 1,500 to bring all the economically disadvantaged people into the Internet with the gift." 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio will ensure every Indian gets the benefits of cheap internet and digital revolution. We are investing Rs. 1,500 to bring all the economically disadvantaged into the internet by offering 'Jio Phone Diwali Gift'. screen. 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio will ensure every Indian gets the benefits of cheap internet and digital revolution. We will invest Rs. screen. 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera.
It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio phone buyers can now get Rs700 worth of discounts for the first 7 recharges and Rs.99 worth of data benefits for the first 7 recharges under the Diwali 2019 offer. Will do.'Jio phone Diwali "We are investing Rs. 1,500 to bring all the economically disadvantaged people into the Internet with the gift." 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio phone buyers can now get Rs700 worth of discounts for the first 7 recharges and Rs.99 worth of data benefits for the first 7 recharges under the Diwali 2019 offer. Will do.'Jio phone Diwali "We are investing Rs. 1,500 to bring all the economically disadvantaged people into the Internet with the gift." 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio will ensure every Indian gets the benefits of cheap internet and digital revolution. We are investing Rs. 1,500 to bring all the economically disadvantaged into the internet by offering 'Jio Phone Diwali Gift'. screen. 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera. Jio will ensure every Indian gets the benefits of cheap internet and digital revolution. We will invest Rs. screen. 2 thousand mAh. It has a battery capacity, 2MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera.